Is it just me or does 2018 sound like a year that should be a long time away? I feel as though I'm just getting used to the fact that it's 2017 and it's almost over! A lot has happened this year and so I wanted to make a post showing some of the highlights. I did this sort of post 2 years ago in 2015, which you can see here, and it's one of my favourite blog posts to look back on, so I wanted to create another one for 2017.
Hope you enjoy a peek into more of my personal side. 2017 has been a year full of challenges, new experiences and new friends. Here's to 2018, a year of friends, family, joy and laughter.
Much love as always,
Gigi x

Family trip to Maui


Uni O-week

Sunrise at Bondi

First day of uni with my friend Elise
I have no photos from this month... Not too much happened though. I got a job, celebrated my brother's 12th birthday and went to uni.

Trip to Melbourne for my cousin's Bar Mitzvah

Group meetings for engineering (yes we are playing cards...)

Best friend's 19th birthday

Bought my first car

Maccas runs

Dustin Tebbutt concert ft. Lisa Mitchell with Tashi

Grandpa's 75th Birthday

Blue Mountains with Wil

Christmas in July (except in August)

Observatory with friends

Featured in a short film

Spontaneous cartilage piercing

Elise's 19th Birthday brunch

Halloween Party

Sister's 17th birthday

Beach house with friends

Decorated my room to be all festive

Made an advent calendar for Wil

MCA exhibit

What a year!