How to Simplify Your Life

It's a Monday night, my room looks like I have mistaken my clothes for confetti and my desk cannot be seen due to the piles of books and papers scattered everywhere. But that's not the only thing that is currently a mess - my wardrobe, school bag and computer files are a complete pigsty. I find it really difficult to do any homework, let alone think in this sort of untidiness so I have decided to declutter!

Step 1: Declutter your closet
Put some music on and get sorting. Give away clothes which don't fit you anymore or that you just don't wear. You may even find some outfits you completely forgot about at the back of the wardrobe (this always happens to me!) 

Step 2: Declutter your computer and phone
Give all of those "doc 1's" a name, put files into clearly labelled folders and delete anything you don't need any more to free up some space, such as old emails or apps you never use.

Step 3: Declutter your workspace
This one is one of the most important as a clear workspace = clear mind = more work getting completed! Keep your work space simple, put objects that you don't need as often in drawers or cupboards.

Step 4: Simplify your mind
Grab a pen and write down everything that you need to remember to do, anything that's bothering you and what needs to be done that day. Now spend some time focusing on your breathing or meditating. Acknowledge any negative thoughts or worries that come into your mind, and with each breath, allow them to come out. 

Feeling better? I guess because this allows you to enjoy the little things in life instead of getting caught up in materialistic possessions. Today I suggest you try even one of the steps above and see what happens...

Much love,
x G



  1. Great advice! I like your observation, "I have mistaken my clothes for confetti" - I know the feeling!

  2. Hey Vivi, hope school went well! Definitely think clear space = clear mind :)
    Have a fab week
    xx G


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