Daydream | BLOGMAS Day 5


So I am lying in bed, it's currently 10.04pm and the video I am trying to upload to YouTube says it's going to take 534 minutes... Unfortunately this means you will all have to wait another day until you can see my video but I have a blog post in the mean time.

It's been a week of Summer and this outfit has been worn on repeat as it's super comfortable! I picked up the shorts + singlet from a market around a month ago but I can't remember the name of the stall. I've always found markets to have some lovely items that can be quite a bit cheaper than retail stores. If any of you live/ know of any markets in Sydney that you recommend I'd love if you could leave them in the comments section below and I'll try and check them out these holidays.

 I hope you have all been enjoying December so far.

See you tomorrow,
G x  


  1. Love these photos. And that towel!!
    Happy Blogmas

    AB |

  2. Happy Blogmas!🎄 Glebe Markets is probably my favourite- if you are able to get there it is most certainly worth going


    1. I'll definitely find a time to go these holidays then. Thanks for the recommendation! G x


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