Stripes and Sculptures

I feel like I blinked and October is already over! I've been MIA recently as end of year exams are approaching quickly and so have been drowning in study. Last Monday, my friends I took a break to go and see Sculptures by the Sea which was a lot of fun! Once again I have stolen my friend Luke's photos so all credit to him. 

Hope you're having a great week!
Speak soon,
G x


A Weekend Away

Just some 'lil snippets of my weekend away with friends. The holiday consisted of a lot of dabbing (it's still cool right?), dancing, cooking, walking and board games. Already missing it so much! 

Back at uni now studying for exams, completing assignments and all that fun stuff. Dreaming about the end of November when uni will be over for the year and I'll be half way through my degree!

Hope you have a productive week!
G x

P.S. All photos by my talented friends (who also have a much nicer camera than me)


Back to Black

It's been a long time since I've gone and shot an outfit for my blog. 6 months to be exact. Last weekend I headed north with some friends and Tashi and I managed to sneak away for a bit to shoot this black dress. I bought it 2 weeks ago and have already worn it sooo many times (let's pretend outfit repeating isn't a thing). I love the mesh sleeves, back detail and floral patterns. Thank you to my friend Luke for letting us borrow his camera and also for his beautiful shots of the waves and mountains!

Much love,


India | Travel Diary

A bit late with this post but I realised I never shared any photos from my trip to India. I went as part of my Engineering degree and met the most amazing, inspiring group of young people. We shared so many experiences together from sleeping on a cow dung floor in a rural town, cooking classes, crashing an Indian wedding, too many games of mafia to count, attending a Bollywood acting class and creating our own social enterprise. Here are some of my favourite photos from the trip (taken by my friends Xiang and Khan who both had very nice cameras)! 

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