It's been a while... Last time I sat down and wrote a post, I'd just finished exams. Since then, I've travelled to Los Angeles, New York, Hawaii and Japan, gotten a job in a cafe, started uni (yesterday was my first day) ++ some other things. Life has been busy but also so much fun, hence I haven't had a minute to sit down and write a blog post (also I haven't had a laptop in months, since I had to give my school one back, which has made it quite hard to blog).
As I mentioned before, yesterday was my first day of uni and I actually really enjoyed it. The first lecture was quite long (and a little boring), but the second one was really interesting!
I've been pushing myself to talk to new people. Yesterday I was sitting by myself between lectures, but I made myself get up and go chat to some people - who I then ended up having lunch with and sitting with in the next class. I've found the hardest part is actually having the courage to walk over, but once you're there, it's easy to introduce yourself and almost everyone will be happy to chat to someone new!
I've been pushing myself to talk to new people. Yesterday I was sitting by myself between lectures, but I made myself get up and go chat to some people - who I then ended up having lunch with and sitting with in the next class. I've found the hardest part is actually having the courage to walk over, but once you're there, it's easy to introduce yourself and almost everyone will be happy to chat to someone new!
Oh and I should probably talk about these photos, since that's technically the point of this post! Tashi and I shot this in the holidays (we had been planning it for a while, so I was happy we finally found some time to shoot). I was very happy with how the photos turned out! Although I did manage to look pretty ridiculous in most of them (i.e. the ones not featured in this post), it was still a lot of fun.
Enjoy the photos and I hope you've all had a wonderful 2017 so far - Can't believe it's March already tomorrow...
Speak soon (I promise it won't be another 4 months until you next hear from me)!
G x