Adventure of a Lifetime

It's been less than a month since my final high school exams finished and so much has happened already! The Thursday afternoon after I finished, my best friend Caitlin and I went to markets in the city before filling ourselves with the most delicious veggie dumplings. We then headed back to my place where we watched movies, ate more food and chatted. The next day I met up for brekkie with another friend, did some more shopping and then got ready with Caitlin and Tashi for a denim themed social (see a pic here). I stayed at Caitlin's place that night, then on Saturday we went to another friend's 18th lunch. The Sunday consisted mainly of me on face-time to Tashi, complaining about packing for the next week (packing is one of my least favourite things to do), but after a 3 hour long call and many Facebook breaks, I had almost finished packing my bag.

The next day, 6 of us headed off to a beach house up north to celebrate finishing school. It was genuinely one of the best weeks ever that involved swimming, hiking, dancing, beach walks, board games, painting, cooking and movies. Half way through the week, 4 guys came up and joined us. On their first night, we stayed up till 4am chatting on the pier and playing board games. Other nights we played touch football at midnight on the beach, ate pizzas and had movie marathons. 

Our last day was definitely the best - we all stayed up until 4.30am playing board games and chatting, then Tashi, Elle and I hiked up a mountain to watch the sunrise. We were all so tired after having 0 hours of sleep, but it was totally worth it. We took lots of photos throughout the week which I wanted to post on my blog - partly to show you guys, but mostly so that I can look back at them. 

If I have time, I might put together a video of the week and add it below but in the meantime, enjoy the photos and have a lovely week!

Much love,
G x


Life Updates

I feel like it's been forever since I last sat down and wrote a post (to be fair it's been over a month) and I have so much to fill you in on!

I had my last day EVER of school over a month ago which involved a lot of crying/ laughing/ dancing/ celebrating/ hugging. After all of the celebrations, study for final exams continued, hence why I have been absent for so long. I had my last ever high school exam on Thursday (Chem) which went well. I'm so so so so happy for them all to be done and excited for what's ahead. 

Below I've put some photos from my last days of school, valedictory dinner and some more recent pics from post exams. Hope you all had a wonderful October and I can't wait to start posting more regularly on here again as well as starting YouTube videos (no promises though)!

Gigi x 


Cactii and Coloured Hair

Another shoot from what feels like forever ago! Tashi and I took these photos in the Botanical Gardens and it was so much fun to wander around, finding hidden bamboo forests, giant cactii and pretty walls. If you're wondering why my hair looks purple in these photos, it's not real - just some editing on Photoshop (although I'm kind of loving it).

It's been a crazy few weeks and the next few will be even more full on (being my last weeks EVER of high school). It's weird how quickly everything is going. I remember starting this blog in year 9 (half way through high school) and now I'm almost at the end. While I'm nervous to be finishing (as I'm still not 100% sure what I want to do next year - currently thinking about engineering), I'm also super excited for what's to come. I've got some exciting travel plans for the end of the year and I'm also looking forward to uni next year.

Hope you've all had a wonderful few weeks!

Until next time,
Gigi x






Pineapple Princess II

Throwing it back to April where Tashi and I wandered the streets of the city in the search for pretty walls. What is not pictured in these photographs, is the torrential rain that bucketed down 2 minutes after taking the first few photos. We huddled out the front of a closed shop giggling away while people shuffled past, staring at us - dressed in summery clothing - in the pouring rain. After about 20 minutes, we ran out in the rain and took some more photos (luckily it was only sprinkling at this point). 

It's weird looking through these photos of me with long hair (click here to see what I look like now!) I'm finally starting to get used to my new hair - it's definitely a lot easier to look after. Also, can we just talk about the fact that I have 3 WEEKS LEFT OF SCHOOL?! Can't believe how quickly high school has flown by (particularly this year) although I'm very excited to see what happens in the next few years.

Anyway, enough from me. Enjoy the photos and speak soon.

Gigi x

milkywayblogger styling a pineapple jumpsuit

milkywayblogger styling a pineapple jumpsuit

milkywayblogger styling a pineapple jumpsuit

milkywayblogger styling a pineapple jumpsuit

milkywayblogger styling a pineapple jumpsuit

milkywayblogger styling a pineapple jumpsuit

milkywayblogger styling a pineapple jumpsuit

milkywayblogger styling a pineapple jumpsuit

Daydream II

I feel like so many things have happened since I last spoke to you! Last week I finished my trial exams for the term, and on Tuesday, I cut off all of my hair (read why here). I also bought myself a new camera for blogging/ making videos, finally downloaded Pokemon Go and have organised my 18th party for the end of the year!! How have you been? I've missed blogging so I'm very excited to get back into it now. 

There are still lots of blog posts from the past holidays that Tashi shot for me (thanks Tash!!) which I have ready to post, hence why I still have long hair here! I really loved how these photos turned out (even though the weather was pretty bad). I still feel super awkward taking photos in public because we always get some very odd looks from people :') but it is still a lot of fun (Tash and I are already planning out next city expedition)!! 

Hope you all have a wonderful week!
G x

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milky way blogger, milkywayblogger, milkywayblog, milky way blog, georgia, gigi, abbott, tashi, blog, blogger, blogging, mwb, editorial, shoot, photography, barangaroo, australia, overalls, supre, lifesaving, liferingsareus, solomon, trees, water, tree, life, growth, biology, living things, mitochondria, companion cells

milky way blogger, milkywayblogger, milkywayblog, milky way blog, georgia, gigi, abbott, tashi, blog, blogger, blogging, mwb, editorial, shoot, photography, barangaroo, australia, overalls, supre, lifesaving, liferingsareus, solomon, trees, water, tree, life, growth, biology, living things, mitochondria, companion cells

milky way blogger, milkywayblogger, milkywayblog, milky way blog, georgia, gigi, abbott, tashi, blog, blogger, blogging, mwb, editorial, shoot, photography, barangaroo, australia, overalls, supre, lifesaving, liferingsareus, solomon, trees, water, tree, life, growth, biology, living things, mitochondria, companion cells

milky way blogger, milkywayblogger, milkywayblog, milky way blog, georgia, gigi, abbott, tashi, blog, blogger, blogging, mwb, editorial, shoot, photography, barangaroo, australia, overalls, supre, lifesaving, liferingsareus, solomon, trees, water, tree, life, growth, biology, living things, mitochondria, companion cells

milky way blogger, milkywayblogger, milkywayblog, milky way blog, georgia, gigi, abbott, tashi, blog, blogger, blogging, mwb, editorial, shoot, photography, barangaroo, australia, overalls, supre, lifesaving, liferingsareus, solomon, trees, water, tree, life, growth, biology, living things, mitochondria, companion cells
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