Movie Night


iPhone case* from Macgear

Cookie earrings* from The Faidrin Bear

It's been pretty rainy in Sydney lately (even though it's currently Spring) so my go to activity has been grabbing some popcorn + naked truth chocolate + a good movie + some friends! During the school term I don't watch many movies as I get pretty busy, so it's been really nice to just relax with friends and enjoy a good film. If you're broke like me (because you spent all of your money on food and clothes) then no need to go to the cinema, just borrow a movie from your local library and you're set!

Less than a week until I begin my final year of school but trying not to think about that...

Enjoy the last week of holidays!
Also I'd love to know what your all time favourite film is?

Hamilton | Pt. 2


 One of my favourite things about being on holidays is to go for walks, exploring and discovering new and beautiful places. Zoe and I headed out with a camera yesterday afternoon and found this beautiful open window looking out onto vibrant green plants and around the corner was this huge white archway, which looks like it has come straight out of Santorini or Mykonos in Greece. 

Already more than half way through our holiday up in Hamilton Island, but still have lots planned for the next few days - snorkeling just off Cook Island, kayaking, wind surfing, paddle boarding, sleepover with Brooke and blogging. 
Hope you're all having a wonderful week!


Hamilton | Pt. 1

 Typography by Jasmine Dowling

What a beautiful place! If you are following me on Instagram (@milkywayblogger) or snapchat (milkywayblog) then you will know I'm currently in Hamilton Island, soaking up the sun, enjoying gelato on the beach and reading by the pool. Two days ago I met up with Brooke and we spent the evening just chatting about school, boys and life. I'm super excited as she is coming to Sydney in the Summer holidays so expect some pretty cool collaborations then... Today I went on a long walk on the beach and through mangroves and now I'm getting ready to go snorkeling. Having an amazing time and I've got lots of posts coming this week! 

Hope you are having a lovely day.
Much love, Georgia

Wild Heart

Hello! How have you all been? Feel like it's been ages since I last posted...
Today I am revealing part two of the shoot I did with Gabi. I paired my quirky circus knit with some lace shorts (that I recently rediscovered at the back of my wardrobe) and I was really happy with how it turned out.

Holidays started today!! This term has been so busy as it is my last one before I start year 12.

I always love holidays (who doesn't?) as it's a great time to get back on track with everything and reorganise! So Today I am going to share with you my top 7 tips of how to feel your best and be the best version of you!

1. Drink lots and lots of water

Water makes up over 70% of our body and allows all of our cells to function properly, so water is vital to good health. I find that I drink a lot more water if I infuse it with lemon, orange, berries, cucumber or mint as it adds some flavour!

2. You are what you eat

Food is fuel. If you fill your body with nutrient rich, fresh foods, you will feel good and energised. There are plenty of websites online where you can find recipes for healthy (and delicious) meals.

3. Clear space = clear mind

Only keep what is necessary on your desk/ workspace and keep all of your work organised.

4. Socialise

Spend time with people who make you feel good about yourself. Allow yourself to have some fun and just relax.

5. Spend time doing nothing

Down time is so important - even if it's half an hour a day where you just lie down by yourself and read or go for a walk.

6. Smile

Smiling not only makes you and those around you happy, but can actually reduce stress as well as strengthen your immune system!

7. Take yourself away from technology

Find the time to disconnect from technology and go outside. Also try not to be constantly refreshing your social media and checking your phone - talk to the people around you!

Have a fab week,

Spring has Sprung

Wearing H&M leggings + Free by Cotton* on sports bra and jacket  

Spring has (finally) sprung! Although I love Winter, I always feel like it goes for a month too long (ya feel me?) I'm so excited to be sharing my first outfit that I shot with photographer Gabi Mulder. If you follow me on Instagram, you'll know I did a shoot with her a couple of weeks ago and now I get to share the pictures with you. I'm really happy with how they turned out and I recommend checking out Gabi's blog to see all of her amazing photography.

Lately I have been up late cramming for exams which have literally taken over my life but luckily they are finishing this Friday! Holidays are in just over a week and I'm looking forward to a nice break from school + shooting lots of new content for the blog!

Hope you're all having a lovely week.
Much love,
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