I've been thinking of doing a post like this for a while because a lot of you have been asking how to start a blog, what website to use, how to take photos for a blog etc. Even if you aren't planning on starting a blog, this post can give you a bit of a preview into what goes on behind the scenes of blogging!
I hope you find some of these tips helpful. If you have any other ones, please share below so that other readers can use them too.
Always make the most of the opportunities that arise - whether it's a collaboration, attending an event or meeting a blogger
Be yourself - don't try and be like other popular bloggers, make your website unique
Create a name that will attract readers to your blog
Do give names to your blog posts that you think people will click on
Enjoy it!
Follow other bloggers and comment on their blog posts (you could even include a link to your blog)
Gain inspiration from anything - whether it be quirky shops, people, clothing or other bloggers
Hold a giveaway to reward your followers
Ignore the haters - as Tay Swift says "haters gonna hate hate.. shake it off"
Join online blogging communities
Keep blog posts short and sweet - no one likes to read long rambling posts
Learn basic coding using tutorials online to help make your blog more visually appealing
Mess and clutter can be distracting! Only have what is necessary on your blogging home page.
Never accept products to promote if you wouldn't usually use them
Organise yourself, plan ahead - I like to shoot a few blog posts each weekend and then schedule them for throughout the next couple of weeks
Pick a blogging platform that best suits you - I suggest doing some research beforehand
Quality over quantity
Reply to comments on your blog & social media sites
Speak up about things that you are passionate about - even if they are completely different to what everyone else blogs about
Take the time to ask your readers for feedback and blog post requests
Use social media to promote your blog - I recommend Instagram, Pinterest & Bloglovin
Vary what you talk about on your blog in order to reach a wider audience
Write about what you love
Xpect great opportunities to come
You should be proud of what you write and not comparing yourself to others
Zero advertisements until you have built your blog up to a high standard and gained a large following
G x