DIY bunting flags


Today is my first DIY blog post and I wanted to choose something that you can really adapt to your own room by finding a different pattern/ string (it would be super cool to use indoor fairy lights); or you are welcome to use my idea of a world map!

I'm really happy with how they turned out and if you make them, I'd love to see a picture!

The things you will need are:

  • 1 sheet of paper
  • A ruler
  • A pencil
  • Sticky tape
  • Scissors
  • Blue tack
  • Twine
  • Something to cut your flags out of (I used an old atlas)

1. Fold your paper in half and with a ruler, draw the shape you want your bunting flags to be.

2. Cut out the shape and unfold it to form a diamond shape. Put blue tack on each of the corners and stick it onto your first sheet of paper. Cut around the diamond to get your first bunting flag. Peel off the paper diamond and cut out as many as you want.

3. Cut a piece of string to the length of your wall. Fold each diamond in half and tape closed (with the string inside). Do this with all of the diamonds.


4. Stick it up on your wall and enjoy!


My thoughts about self expression


Today i'm going to tell you what I think about being yourself and expressing who you are. So being a teen is hard work! We are always expected to keep up with the latest 'fashion,' read the latest magazines, look what we like to call 'beautiful,' own the latest products etc. It's very easy to fall into the trap of thinking you are someone that you actually aren't. 

Social media, magazines and shops can make you think you need the newest clothing, jewellery, phone etc. and I find that often I look at a product and think "I don't like that" and after everyone on instagram has posted a photo with that product, I start to think: I really should buy that. 

I think that each of us should follow our own trends and likes. Sure, some people may inspire you in what you choose, but it shouldn't define you. Each of us are different, and therefore like different things. I believe we should embrace our differences and not choose who we are based on what others think. 

One of my favourite quotes by Dr Seuss goes like this: 

"Today you are you, 
that is truer than true, 
there is no one alive, 
who is youer than you!" 

I think we should listen to Dr Seuss and be our self, express who we are and not try and be someone we're not.


How to style a crop + ideas for your weekend


I found this skirt at the back of my wardrobe only last week and have been trying it out with a number of different tops. My favourite 'look' was definitely when it was styled with this black and white crop from H&M.

In this post, I wanted to chat about some ideas for what to do on the weekend. Some of my favourite things to do on the weekend are:
  • Read my book/ magazines
  • Make a movie with friends
  • Take/ edit photos
  • Spend time with family
  • Make wall collages using magazines and photos

Here are some other ideas:
  • Redecorate or clean out your room
  • Buy some succulents/ plants to put in your bedroom
  • Make a movie/ music video
  • Make a scrapbook
  • Create a blog
  • Do some cardmaking
  • Start a drawing book
  • Bake some cupcakes
  • Make bunting flags using material, newspaper of even an old map of the world

I'd love to hear what you love to do on the weekend, comment below!

My first ever blog post


A quick introduction - Hi I'm Gigi, I'm interested in photography, fashion and craft.
I've wanted to start a blog for a while and I finally decided to make one. I'm 15, turning 16 later this year. Finally, I love colour!

This blog is about fashion, teens and DIY ideas.

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